"Di Belanda, mereka menemukan es krim dengan parasetamol (500mg). Ketika anda terkena sakit kepala, anda tidak perlu ke apotek, hanya perlu makan semangkuk es krim".
"In Holland, they invented ice cream with paracetamol (500mg). When you've a headache, you don't need to go to a pharmacy, instead just take a bowl of ice cream."
(GFD-2018-151) [DISINFORMASI] "Es Krim Dengan Parasetamol" | [DISINFOMATION] "Ice Cream With Paracetamol"
Sumber: facebook.comTanggal publish: 15/06/2018
Hasil Cek Fakta
Es krim tersebut tidak benar-benar dijual, akun-akun yang menyebarkan post tidak melakukan pengecekan yang benar sebelum membuat post. Selengkapnya di bagian PENJELASAN dan REFERENSI.
The ice cream is not actually for sale, accounts who distribute their posts did not perform proper checks before publishing the post. Check EXPLANATION and REFERENCE section for more.
The ice cream is not actually for sale, accounts who distribute their posts did not perform proper checks before publishing the post. Check EXPLANATION and REFERENCE section for more.